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12 October 2015


Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watched and you turn around and there’s nobody there? 

Have you ever been home alone and you spot something from the corner of your eye and you turn to look and there’ nothing there?

All my life, this had always happened to me, I learnt to live with it but now? It’s gotten worse.

Sometimes I feel a presence behind me, the hairs on my neck rise up and when I turn to look, I see nothing, I see no one.

Sometimes when I sleep and wake, in the moment before I am truly awake, I see a figure standing or sitting beside my bed and when I quickly open my eyes, there’s nothing there.

I like to sleep in a dark room but now I sleep with a night light. 

Even with the night light, things haven’t changed much. 

Last week as I lay in bed, I felt a presence behind me, under the covers. I was frozen stiff and I couldn’t move. When I finally summoned the courage to jump out of bed and quickly switched on the lights, there was no one there.

Then I heard faint chuckling, it was after 2 am in the morning. I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night.

2 days after that, a huge sum of money was deposited into my account.

I went to my bank but there was no fraud or mistaken identity. I asked so many questions that the bank manager began to look at me like I’d lost my mind. 

I’ve always been financially independent but the past couple of months have been dreadful. I made some bad calls and I nearly lost all I had. In other words, I’m flat broke so the money came at exactly the right time. 

This is'n't the first time such would be happening to me. I've always thought myself to be one with a lucky streak. Things rarely went wrong for me and when they did, it usually fixed itself in a few hours or days. 

This deposit was so much it made me weary. I called every single person I knew who could send me such an amount and none of them did. I still don’t know how to explain the money. 

I haven’t touched it. I’m scared to spend it. 

I’ve thought of forwarding it to a charity organisation but somehow I always forget to do so. Even on days that I plan to do it. It somehow always seems to skip my mind.

3 days ago, I confided in my best friend about this issue. 

She asked if she could tell someone close to her and I gave her the permission to do so.

Later that evening she called me to come over to her place. 

When I got there, I met an old woman who told me that I was being haunted by a spirit. She said the spirit had to be a very powerful one if it could alter things in the physical. She also said that emotion is what drives them, a feeling of guilt or deep sorrow or pure rage is what keeps them from moving on. 

She said it is difficult to tell which unless the spirit shows itself to me.

 She asked if anyone in my family had recently passed, I told her no. She said it could also be a spirit that inhabited the house that I was living in. She asked if anyone in our compound had died recently or since the house had been built and I told her I didn't know. I'd only been staying there for two years. 

She said I would have to do a cleansing to find out what the spirit wants from me.

That night she gave me some herbs to boil and drink and some other dry ones to burn as incense in my room. She said the incense would prevent any physical manifestation and that the herbs I was to drink would make that spirit reveal itself to me in the dream where he couldn’t physically hurt me.

Even though I was of two minds about it, that night I went home and did as she said.

 I just wanted anything to ease the paranoia that had begun to set deep into my being. Something to stop me from dreading the journey home.

That night I dreamt.

I was in a beautiful garden; there were birds in the sky and lovely flowers blooming everywhere. The wind was heavenly and soothing to the skin. I felt like I was floating. The grass felt as soft as cotton balls beneath my feet. The birds in the trees sang soulful melodic songs.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack. 

The sky started to turn dark, the flowers began to rot, the birds fell from the trees dead.

The grass beneath my feet started to wither and die. It turned coal black. 

The ground trembled and the soil vomited what seemed like millions of tiny maggots and worms all writhing together in frenzy. Then the writhing disgusting little things began to morph. 

They morphed into a man.

He was strikingly BEAUTIFUL with eyes as blue as the ocean and skin as flawless as silk. He stood so tall I had to tilt my head backwards just to see his face. 

He wore no clothes but he wasn’t naked. I forgot immediately that he had just formed from maggots and worms. 

His gaze upon me was fiery as he approached me. He stopped in my presence and smiled a humourless smile.

“I have watched you for a very long time” he said to me but his lips never moved

I stood there unable to speak, I was enthralled, speechless, shocked and excited at the same time.

“I have taken care of you. I have watched over you. I have protected you...” he continued

“Why are you haunting me?” I finally managed to ask

“Never!” his voiced boomed, the ground trembled “never do I haunt! YOU ARE MINE!”

“yours? No!" I shook my head quickly "I belong to no one!”

His once blue eyes turn black as the dead of night.

“silence!” he thundered and suddenly I couldn’t find my voice.

 I tried to speak but nothing came forth.

 “We are one” he said “You are mine as I am yours, my bride for all of eternity. The time is approaching and no one will stop it!”

“But I don’t know you! I don’t want this!” I screamed in my mind still unable to speak

“You will” he said

And he was gone

 I ran to the old woman for help the next morning only to find that she died during the night.

That was three days ago, I haven’t been to my house since and I haven’t slept a wink either. 

I am afraid to fall asleep.

twitter: @bbannesworld

Stories posted on this blog are fiction and a product of the writer's imagination. 
They do not refer to any person or persons. Similarities to real life characters are purely coincidental.

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